Guidelines for Participants

Thank you for considering the following guidelines for participation: 

Active Participation:

Active participation is key to the success of the meeting. Participants should engage in discussions, provide constructive feedback, and offer solutions. By sharing our expertise and ideas, we can collectively make progress towards our shared goals.

Equal Participation:

To ensure an inclusive meeting environment, all participants are encouraged to contribute their thoughts, ideas, and opinions. In order to make this happen, we will strive to award all participants a roughly equal amount of time to speak and share their perspectives. This helps in providing equal opportunities for everyone to actively participate.

Mutual Respect:

All participants should treat each other with respect and professionalism at all times. We will avoid using derogatory language, engaging in personal attacks, or any behavior that could belittle or demean others. Showing mutual respect fosters a safe space for all attendees to express themselves freely.

Constructive Feedback: 

When providing feedback or criticism, please do so respectfully. Participants should aim to be constructive and supportive, focusing on ideas and goals. Likewise, please be open to receiving constructive feedback. 


Confidentiality is crucial in building trust and fostering open discussions. All participants are expected to respect the confidentiality of the topics discussed, as well as any sensitive information shared during the meeting.


Participants are expected to arrive at the meeting venue on time. Latecomers may cause disruptions and miss important information. Punctuality is essential to ensure smooth and efficient meetings.

Request the floor before speaking:

In order to maintain a structured and respectful meeting environment, we request all participants to ask for the floor before speaking. This will help prevent interruptions and ensure that everyone has a chance to express their thoughts without being overshadowed.

Keep your electronic devices on silent mode:

Please keep all your electronic devices on silent mode to avoid distractions. 

Use of cameras and audio/video recording devices by participants:

Photographs may be taken by participants within the designated conference venue's public areas, such as lobbies and corridors, and meeting rooms provided that such activities do not disrupt the activities or movements of participants or the security provisions of that area. 

Video and audio recordings by participants in public areas, such as lobbies and corridors, may be undertaken provided that such activities do not cause disruption to the activities or movements of participants or security provisions of that area. Those making recordings should, in advance, seek the permission of those they wish to record. 

Implementing these guidelines for participation will contribute to a productive and respectful meeting environment.